After you rent a car you will have to pay for the rental along with your credit card. Most people are not aware of that your credit card pays for at least some of your car rental insurance.
When you rent an auto, there are four types of car rental insurance that you need to know about. Some of these may possibly be covered by your personal car insurance policy, by your home owner or even renter policy, or by your overall health insurance.
Additionally, you may learn that your credit card may purchase some of your rental car insurance. The four types of insurance are: (1) Liability Insurance; (2) Comprehensive and Collision Coverage; (3) Personal Accident; (4) Personal Property.
Some credit card companies, especially the Gold and American platinum eagle cards, will pay for your current comprehensive and collision coverage. Commonly, credit card companies will not purchase liability insurance, or other coverage. So you will still must either pay for this additional coverage or check with your own individual auto insurance agent to see for anyone who is covered.
If your credit car does offer car rental insurance, it may not provide all of the coverage that you need, or provide coverage for the vehicle that you are renting. Some luxury vehicles and SUVs will not be covered. Also, some credit card companies only pay for the deductible for your individual auto insurance coverage.
Some bank cards will not cover a teenager driver, or if you have other risky factors. You need to check along with your credit card company to learn what your coverage is. Call the 1-800 number within the back of your credit card to learn what coverage is provided.
Listed below are the various types of coverage you will need if you rent a automobile:
Supplemental Liability Insurance: Car rental companies have to provide the minimum liability insurance and also this is included in your leasing agreement. However, this basic level will not offer you sufficient coverage if you are going to complete an accident. You can purchase additional supplemental insurance from your car rental company. Typically, your personal car insurance policy should provide the coverage you’ll need when you rent a automobile. Your credit card will not provide this coverage.
Collision Destruction Waiver: This covers damage to the rental vehicle if it’s involved in an accident or even is stolen. Many Gold or Platinum bank cards will offer this coverage, but it varies from card to cards. You need to check along with your credit card company.
Personal Accident Insurance: if you have a mishap, personal accident insurance will cover medical benefits. You may be covered under your overall health or life insurance policies, in addition to covered under your personal car insurance policy policy. Depending on the state you rent your vehicle in, some states required the auto rental company to provide this particular insurance at no additional cost. This will not be included in your credit card.
Personal Results Coverage: This covers the theft of your personal things from the vehicle, such as your luggage or notebook. You may be covered under your own home owner or renter insurance coverage, check with your agent prior to make your trip.
This might be covered by your credit cards, if you purchased the items that were stolen with the plastic card.
If you do not own an auto, or if you own a mature vehicle, you will need to get rental car insurance to offer you the coverage that you have to have. However, the amount of coverage and types of coverage which you will want may be reduced if you purchase your car rental with your plastic card.
Just keep in mind, you probably need additional coverage if the only coverage that you have is what is provided by your credit card. However, the coverage that one could get from your credit may save you up to $20 a day time. So it is definitely worth investigating.
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